Oral Presenters - Presentation Upload Information:

To best facilitate the uploading of presentations, all presenters will be required to follow the below steps: 

Step 1: Please check in to the Speaker Ready Room no less than 2 hours before your presentation time to upload your presentation.

Speaker Ready Room:  Hynes Convention Center – Level 3 – Room 308. 

Speaker Ready Room Hours:
Friday July 26: 10:00 -17:00
Saturday July 27: 07:00 -17:30
Sunday July 28: 07:00 – 17:30
Monday July 29: 07:00 – 17:00           

Please note: All presentations are to be uploaded in the Speaker Ready Room, no uploads are permitted in the session rooms.

Step 2: Please bring your file to the Speaker Ready Room on a PC formatted USB Drive. A technician will identify you in the system from your name badge and upload your presentation onto the server. Once the file has been uploaded it will be placed onto a preview station for your review. It is very important that you check your presentation on the preview station to ensure that any videos run, and everything appears as you intended. Images, fonts, bullets etc. If you encounter any difficulties at this time, a technician will be available to assist you.

The configuration of the Preview Station and Presentation machines match exactly and will be running the latest version of Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows with Adobe Reader available for PDF viewing.

Step 3: Once you have fully reviewed your presentation on the preview station you check out with the technicians in the Speaker Ready Room and at that point you will be set for your presentation.

Step 4: In the session room, a technician will open your presentation and put it in slideshow mode at the first slide. You will have control to advance each slide yourself. The system is set up with Presenter View enabled for PowerPoint so you may see your notes pages as you present.

Single Presenter (CE): 50 minutes, 45 for presentation 5 minutes for Q+A.

  • SOS/SOA Presentations (Two Presenters): 25 minutes – 20 for Presentation & 3 Minutes Q+A. A 2-minute cushion is provided for changing speakers and introductions. 

  • Free Communications: 12 minutes with 3 minutes for questions (giving a 5-minute cushion for changing speakers and introductions).


  1. What size of Slides are needed?
    A: Slides should be formatted in 16X9.
  2. Do we need to use WCVD10 Title Slides? 
    A: You are required to use one of the title slide options for your presentation, which can be downloaded here
    This also includes disclosure slides. 
  3. I am a MAC/APPLE user, how can I upload my “Keynote” Presentation? 
    A: Please convert any presentations to a PC-friendly format. ONLY PC Machines will be available onsite. (See above upload instructions)
  4. Can I upload a video to play during my presentation? 
    A: Yes, you can. We strongly recommend embedding your videos into your PowerPoint. 
  5.  Can I use the presenter view during my presentation? 
    A: Yes, each room will be set up with a comfort monitor, where you can view your presenter notes. 

Please contact the WCVD10 Program Manager using the link below should you have any further questions or concerns.

Poster Information:

Posters for presentation at WCVD10 should follow the below format: 

1: Posters are to be in portrait orientation
2: Posters must not exceed 44 inches X 44 inches

Poster Set-up:  Saturday, July 27, 09:30 – 13:40. 
Poster Take-Down:  Monday, July 29, Before 16:30.      

Poster Boards are located at Exhibit Hall C. Please pin your poster to the board according to their assigned number. Your poster board number can be retrieved here

If you wish to present your poster, we recommend being at or near your poster during all lunch breaks, and if desired health breaks as well.